Written by Rod Wing.
EnvisionCAD conducted a CAD Management survey to poll our followers on how well their CAD environments are managed. Survey responses were evenly split between people from small, medium, and large CAD installations. More than 80% of those taking the survey indicated they are managing multiple sets of CAD standards, have unique standards for different disciplines, and are using multiple versions of CAD software. All respondents said their companies are not devoting sufficient resources to CAD Management, but were evenly split on how their CAD environment is managed (Full-time manager, Part-time manager, IT Dept., or none at all). The biggest CAD management challenges identified were managing different sets of standards, keeping standards up to date, and enforcing standards.
Thank you to all who completed the survey.
CAD management challenges that were identified in the survey are topics we cover in our MicroStation CAD Manager class.
People also read: CAD Management – Should you outsource?
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