Still haven’t made the leap to MicroStation or OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition?
Bentley has announced that as of January 1, 2021 they will officially end support for all pre-CONNECT versions of software. This means the clock is ticking for you to make the switch.
There is a lot more to this upgrade than learning the new ribbon interface. Navigating the new Configuration structure and how best to utilize WorkSpaces, WorkSets, and Roles will take some time. Custom add-ins used in previous releases may need to be rewritten. Custom menu bars have to be converted to work with the ribbon. Redefining your OpenRoads standards and preferences will also have to be done.
Don’t put this off until the last minute. Contact EnvisionCAD to help you through this transition, we can aide you wherever necessary. From user and CAD manager training to developing the Configuration to rewriting custom applications and updating OpenRoads standards; we have the expertise you need to get your organization up and running on the CONNECT Edition products.