If there is one constant in your daily work, at some point you will need to plot your MicroStation file. Plotting is one area where a CAD Manager can make immediate and measurable improvements in daily workflows. By standardizing your plotting resources and defining variables to use those resources, the end user is benefited along with the project.
Does your end user need to load the Plot Driver and Pentable? If the answer is yes, how do you know if the user is using the correct driver or even attaching a pentable?
Using a different plot driver or pentable to plot the same file can cause the output to be significantly different. This causes lost time trying to recreate plots to match previous paper copies. By defining a few key plot variables you can increase your daily productivity, adhere to client standards, and have a uniform output.
MS_PLTCFG_PATH = $(_USTN_SITE)plotdrv/ #Printer Driver Config Path MS_DEFAULT_PLTCFG_FILE = $(_USTN_SITE)plotdrv/ACME_PDF.PLTCFG #Default Printer Configuration MS_PENTABLE < $(_USTN_SITE)tables/Pen #Pen Table Search Path MS_PLOTDLG_DEF_PENTABLE = $(_USTN_SITE)tables/Pen/ACME_PENTABLE.TBL #Default Pen Table MS_PLTFILES = $(_DGNDIR) #Print Output Directory

What other variables do you use to be more productive with plotting? Let us know by commenting below.
Similar Blogs: 5 MicroStation Variables Every User Should Have Defined
EnvisionCAD does offer MicroStation CAD Manager training where we go over how to correctly develop plotting resources and then how to implement them into the workspace. This training also includes setup for the Print Organizer for MicroStation.
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