Mobile Apps for Video Training

Written by Bob Mecham

Mobile Apps for Video Training

We would like to announce the release of the Digital Library Video Training App for both Android and Apple mobile devices. This new app allows users to easily access their Digital Library, and all of the high-quality content in it, from their Android phone, Apple iPhone, Apple iPad, and Apple iPod Touch. With this release video training has become the true “go anywhere” training and certification platform. Video Training can now be utilized on the job no matter where your office may be. This is especially advantageous to those users who find themselves out in the field frequently or not always in front of a computer. Just select the Digital Library app on your mobile device and start watching the training instantly.

The app can be found in both the Android Market and the Apple iTunes Store and is completely free to download. Below is all the information you will need to download the app and start viewing your video training on your mobile devices.

Android App

Android app MicroStation Video TrainingVideo Training Digital Library MicroStation, InRoads, AutoCAD Civil 3D
In the Android Market search “Digital Library” or follow this direct link: Digital Library App for Android

Apple App

Apple itunes app MicroStation video trainingVideo Training Digital Library MicroStation, InRoads, AutoCAD Civil 3D
In the iTunes Store search “Digital Library” or follow this direct link: Digital Library App for Apple

Purchase book titles from our store:

Video Training Digital Library MicroStation, InRoads, AutoCAD Civil 3D Video Training Digital Library MicroStation, InRoads, AutoCAD Civil 3D Video Training Digital Library MicroStation, InRoads, AutoCAD Civil 3D



Civil 3D

Bob Mecham

Bob is a partner at EnvisionCAD and is an industry expert in the implementation, configuration, instruction, development, and customization of both MicroStation and InRoads.

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