Highlights from the 2013 Bentley LEARNing Conference

Another Bentley Conference has wrapped with a lot of buzz and anticipation of OpenRoads Technology. Bob Mecham and Ron Brys attended the 2013 conference and learned a great deal. There were 1,100 attendees from 48 countries at this year’s conference.

MicroStationBentley LearnCONF 2013

Written by Bob Mecham.

Some of the highlights from the MicroStation track were from the Keynote session. Bentley talked about the current release of MicroStation and the future releases. MicroStation V8i (SELECTseries 3) Update 2 is planned to be out in July this year with the next major release of V8i (SELECTseries 4) to be released in 2014. The July release of V8i (SELECTseries 3) Update 2 will support AutoCAD RealDWG2014 and a Visualization Effects manager that is amazing. A couple things to be looking forward to in the V8i (SELECTseries 4) release will be that the program will be Native 64-bit and DirectX 11 support.

A couple MicroStation sessions that I attended had to do with drawing composition and the use of Design, Drawing, and Sheet models. The workflows for creating dynamic sheets has been streamlined and in my opinion is worth investigating at your organization. There are some time saving benefits to using this new workflow.

InRoads – OpenRoads Technology

Written by Ron Brys.

From a civil perspective, this year’s conference was all about OpenRoads technology. Not familiar with the term OpenRoads? Just substitute them terms SELECTseries 3 InRoads, GEOPAK or MXROAD. This release introduces several major changes and enhancements to the Bentley civil design platforms. One major change is the use of the DGN file as the repository for engineering information, things like surfaces, alignments, superelevation solutions, and corridor definitions and much more. Major enhancements are items such as Civil Geometry (really not all that new), the retention of design intent, interactive associative modeling, Civil Cells and much, much, much more.

You need a solid strategy and a defined learning path to successfully transition to this new technology. Do not just install SS3 and expect to just poke around and be off and running.

See all of our photos from the event here.

For tweets from the conference click here #learnconf2013 and here #openroads.

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Have comments, ideas or other feedback for us? Let us know by commenting below.

Bob Mecham

Bob is a partner at EnvisionCAD and is an industry expert in the implementation, configuration, instruction, development, and customization of both MicroStation and InRoads.


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