Jargon of the Super CAD Professionals

Written by Lisa Polonski.

Sing to the tune of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

Super CAD professionals, experts with devotion!
Even when you talk to them
It sounds like such commotion
If they say it slow enough
No one has a notion.
Super CAD professionals, experts with devotion!
C-A-Double D       C-A-D
X-M-L       X-Y-Z  !
Raster, vector, command options
Reference manager,
Coordinate systems & projections
Lidar, and chamfer,
G-P-K, and Dialogs
Status bars, workflows
The biggest words I’ve ever heard
And this is why they’re pros!  Oh!
Super CAD professionals, experts with devotion!
Even when you talk to them
It sounds like such commotion
If they say it slow enough
No one has a notion.
Super CAD professionals, experts with devotion!
C-A-Double D       C-A-D
D-G-N        D-W-G !!
Point clouds, working units
Plotting configuration,
Bitmaps, and audits,
CAD Applications,
But then you throw in G-I-S
Ribbon, and vertical datum …
Field-to-finish, survey feet
I need someone that knows!  Oh!
Super CAD professionals, experts with devotion!
Even when you talk to them
It sounds like such commotion
If they say it slow enough
No one has a notion.
Super CAD professionals, experts with devotion!
C-A-Double D       C-A-D
P-N-T        F-W-D  !!
CAD BIM jargon

Unless you are a super CAD professional, expert with devotion, chances are this was confusingly a familiar tune filled with terms, acronyms, and file extensions that are rather unfamiliar. CAD is a profession that requires the finesse of a studied and practiced professional in order to keep the production process running at maximum efficiency. Knowledge of the terms and file extensions in this playful tune, as well as others, and the “know-how” related to each of them are essential in bringing efficiency to fruition.

IT professionals don’t always have the knowledge of these terms, or the “know-how”. They are not usually suited to manage the CAD department, lacking in some of the required expertise. What the CAD department needs is a designated CAD professional or team of professionals who have the specific knowledge necessary to standardize and optimize workflows in order to maximize efficiency and thus the return on the technology investments.

CAD users need on-going training in order to continually expand their ever-growing CAD jargon vocabulary and ability to perform design and drafting tasks that optimize efficiency. CAD managers need the time out of production to analyze present workspaces and refine standards of practice with the CAD knowledge they presently have, as well as be abreast of updated and new software capabilities and how best to utilize them. Project and senior managers need a CAD professional who knows the jargon, along with utilization, but also knows how to present information in layman’s terms that can be understood by all departments for effective communication and productivity.

Whether you are a super CAD professional, expert with devotion, an individual directly impacted by the performance of the CAD department in your day-to-day work who is consistently confronted with such vernacular, or simply a Web surfer who now has this provincial tune caught in your head, we’d like to discuss your possible CAD solutions for maximum efficiency (in layman’s terms… unless of course jargon is preferred!). Our CAD system/optimization service solutions offer the expertise that your CAD systems and people need to maximize efficiency and ROI.

Feel free to contact us or give us a call at 608.836.3903 to discuss these solutions. We’d be happy to provide the spoonful of sugar that will help your CAD department function at its greatest capability!

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Since 1996, EnvisionCAD has been a nationally recognized leader in the configuration, customization, implementation, training & support for CAD software solutions. Our individualized approach has benefited private engineering firms and government agencies alike. Basic or advanced, we can help you get the most from your CAD technology.

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