Generate Sloped Surface Command

New options have been added to the Generate Sloped Surface command that will make generating slopes easier than before. In the example below generate sloped command created varying slopes based on different design requirements.

Generate Slope to Intercept Elevation

Specifying an elevation and a slope will generate the interior slope of the pond. The selected features for transverse and catch point features will also be added to the surface.

Generate Slope to Intercept Surface

Specifying a surface to intercept and a slope will generate the back slope of the pond. In the example below, the 4:1 slope is only at the west end of the pond.

Generate Slope to Intercept Surface with Transition

Selecting a surface to intercept and then transitioning from the 4:1 slope at the west to the 3:1 slope at the east. The To Box needs to be checked on and the correct slopes defined.


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