The 2023 version of OpenBridge Modeler brings a number of changes. We’ll discuss one specific feature in this tip due to its impact.
2D/3D Separation
OpenBridge Modeler works in the 3D model environment by default. Up to now, OBM has not embraced the 2D/3D workflow utilized by OpenRoads Designer. With the 2023 version of OBM, that has changed. OBM now utilizes the same 3D/2D workflow, except in the opposite direction. In ORD, the user works in the 2D and ORD ‘manages’ the 3D model. With OBM, users work in a 3D model to create a bridge, and then OBM creates the 2D model named ‘DecorationSpace.’
One of the main reasons for this change is to allow for easier workflows to provide 2D Plan Production deliverables. Measuring and placing dimensions in a 2D model for plan items will also be more straightforward and familiar than in a 3D model. As more users and organizations calibrate more with iTwin technology and IFC interactions, the separation between the 3D model and the 2D information becomes more and more relevant.
This change doesn’t affect the standard workflow much, but there are a couple items to be aware of. The following outlines a standard workflow while noting the changes and how they effect a user’s work:
- Create a new file in OBM using a 3D seed file
- The seed generally only contains the 3D model named ‘Default’
- Reference the required files
- Create the bridge container using the Add Bridge tool
- The 2D model named ‘DecorationSpace’ is created at this point
- Using the Add Bridge tool is the only way (currently) to create the 2D model ‘DecorationSpace’
- The ‘DecorationSpace’ model will also be automatically attached to the Default model and views
- To place and edit bridge components, the user will need to stay in the 3D model to perform these actions
- Continue to create the bridge, noting that the decorations are now being placed in the ‘DecorationSpace’ model
- Some other items that will be included in the ‘DecorationSpace’ model are:
- Beam layout decorations
- Bearings decorations
- Barriers decorations
- Cross Frames and Diaphragms decorations
- The actual support lines are still located in the 3D model, but act as 2D elements with a static elevation
- 2D decorations are in the 2D model (‘DecorationSpace’) flat, but when referenced into the 3D model they will be located at the same elevation as the support lines
- Some other items that will be included in the ‘DecorationSpace’ model are:
A number of functions for creating/editing bridge components are unavailable in the 2D model. These include editing the beam layout, placing cross frames or diaphragms, bearing, etc. The user will continue to place the 3D components in the 3D model and will utilize the 2D model for plan production products.
Once the 3D model (‘DecorationSpace’) has been created, use the Models dialog to switch between the models. Once the ‘DecorationSpace’ model has been opened, you will be able to switch between the models via Manage View Groups.
If you do not wish to separate the decorations and place them in a 2D model, this option can be turned off. To accomplish this, uncomment the following line in the OpenBridgeModeler.cfg file: #OBM_PLACE_DECORATION_IN_SEPARATE_2D_MODEL = FALSE
The OpenBridgeModeler.cfg file is located here: C:\Program Files\Bentley\OpenBridge Modeler 2023.00\OpenBridgeModeler\config\appl\
To maintain the integrity of older version’s files, the option to upgrade older version files is not available when opening it in 2023. The decorations will remain in the 3D model.
Primary OpenBridge Modeler Enhancements
In addition to the detailed discussion of the 2D/3D separation above, here is a list of additional changes and updates to the OBM platform in the 2023 version:
- Model Concrete Beam Camber – the camber associated with the beam will now be shown graphically in the 3D model
- Transition Block on Pier Caps
- Concrete Diaphragms for Steel Girder Ends
- Export to IFC (Technology Preview)
- User-defined slope for Piers and Abutment Caps
- Beam Layout: Allow Beam R to be defined relative to other beams
- Elevation Constraints on Caps – option to follow top/bottom of deck
- Option to define Approach Slab Reference Line by Station
- Bearing and Bearing Plate/Grout Pad, Volume Option
- Deprecated ‘Build Order’
- Reports Enhancements (multiple)
- Option to specify Batter for Abutment Backwall
- Steel Beams: Options to Copy Materials
- Deck Properties: Show start/end Station
- Pier or Abutment: Station as Item Type
- Allow user to rename Bearings
- Direction Bearing in Support Line Decoration
- Elevation Constraints for Piles (Absolute and from DTM)
- Combined Custom Footing for Pier
- Cut Backwall with Wing Wall
- Wing Wall Slope
- Option to place barrier under deck
- Cheekwall Top Elevation as Property
- WingWall Top Elevation as Property
- BackWall Top (left and right) as Properties
- Weight of Piles as Property
- Sleeper Slab Piles
- Encased Piles
- Bearing Materials as Property and Item Types
- Accessories: Station and offset as properties and Item Types
- Accessories: x,y,z coordinates as properties and Item Types