- Introduction, OpenRoads Site Design: OpenRoads Overview/Orientation, OpenRoads As A Technology, Why Change?, File Management, Design Intent, Automatic 3D Modeling, Utility Modeling and Drainage Design, What Must Change To Use OpenRoads?, CAD And Modeling Standards, Feature Definitions, Reference File Management, Training, What can be used from previous versions?, Template Library, Import/Export Legacy Formats, GEOPAK Superelevation files
- Modeling of Pads: Starting up the Software, Best Practice: Closed Geometry, Review Building Geometry, Model Flat Portion of Pad, Create Terrain Model of Flat Portion of Pad, AddEnd Conditions to the Pad, Adjust Sidewalk to Have Square Corners, Challenge Exercise: Sidewalks Which Meander
- Modeling of Parking Lots: Review Geometry, Design Profiles for Break lines, Build Construction Surface, Create Parking Area Profiles, Terrain Model for Parking Lot Surface, Challenge Exercise: Enhance the Parking Lot Terrain, Add pavement and End Conditions to Parking, Challenge Exercise: “Exact” Model of Island Infield, Merge Slopes Between Building and Parking
- Modeling the Entrance Road: Modeling of Ponds, Review Geometry, Design Road Vertical Geometry, Entrance Road Break lines, Challenge Exercise: Project Extended Profile, Extend Parking Lot Terrain Model, Add roadway End Conditions, Challenge Exercise: Clean Up Slopes, Clean Up Curb
- Modeling of Detention Ponds Modeling of Ponds, Starting up the Software, Define Sloped Pond Bottom, Define top of the pond, Adjust the Pond Geometry, Finish the pond
- Finish Grade Terrain Model: Producing Finish Grade Terrain Model