- Subsurface Utilities Fundamentals: About, OpenRoads Overview/Orientation, Course Overview, Before you Begin
- Interface and Settings: Review Starting Dataset, Menus and Tasks, DGN Model Concepts For Utilities, Project Explorer, Feature Definitions; Overview, Node Feature Definitions, 3D Cells used for Nodes, Conduit Feature Definitions, Polygon Feature Definitions; Civil Message Center, Utility Properties, Project Properties, Project Defaults, Design Files Settings & Workspace Preferences
- Modeling Non-Drainage Utilities: Model Existing Utilities – Selection Set Method: Concepts, Exercises: Create Water Line Models, Create Model of Storm Pipe, Profile Revisions, SUE Properties; Model Existing Utilities Using Filters: Concepts, DGN Library, Exercises: Create Utility Filter, Create Utility Filter Group, Add Filters for Nodes, Create Utility Model Using Filter Group, SUE Properties; Model Existing Utilities from Database Information: Concepts, Model Builder, Exercises: Configure Model Builder, Create Water Line Model From SHP, Model Gas Line From SHP, Challenge: Profiles; Model Proposed Utilities: Concepts, Exercises: Layout Horizontal Geometry, Model Proposed Water Line Relocation, Profile Design, Challenge: Completely New Profile, Inspect Template, Change the Parametric Constraint
- Subsurface Utilities Drainage Design: Drainage Design Settings and Constraints: Overview, Default Design Constraints, Prototypes, Catalogs, Storm Data, Scenarios, Hydraulic Seed, Terrain Model Analysis Tools: Overview, Finish Grade Terrain Model, Exercises: Analyze Point, Terrain Model Properties > Flow Arrows, Analyze Trace Slope, Terrain Model Properties > High and Low Points; Layout Inlets and Catchments: Overview, Civil Accudraw, Place Node, Challenge: Placing The Node In Taper, Create Catchments, Catchment Properties, Hydraulic Gutter Definitions; Analyze Overland Flow: Overview, Scenarios, Calculations Options, Alternatives, Computations, Messages, Report, Details, Civil Message Center; Layout Pipe Network: Overview, Terminology: Conduits or Pipes, Connect Conduits Between Nodes, Concepts Related to Create Conduit, Curved Conduits, Conduits at the Outlet, Catchment for the Inlet Headwall; Design the Drainage Network: Overview, Scenario Manager, Review Warnings, Override Design Constraints, Challenge Exercise: Pipe Editing; Review Physical Alternatives: Using Alternatives to Control Sumps in the Catch Basins, The Concept of Children, Edit a Child Alternatives, Make a Child Scenario, Drainage Profiles, Hydraulic Design Wrap-Up; Lateral Connections: Layout a Lateral Connection, Add Catchment for the Lateral Inlet, Recompute Drainage Network, Review Profile of Trunk Line; Culverts: Lay Out the Culver, Add Flow to the Inlet Headwall, Modify Conduit for Culvert Calculations, Update the Hydraulic Design
- Subsurface Utilities Miscellaneous Tools: Conflict Detection: Overview, Checking for Conflicts, Using Flex Table to Review Conflict Nodes, Exercise: Review Conflict Node Flex Tables; Review, Reporting and Editing Tools: Overview, Exercises: Tooltip Customization, Customize a Flex Table, Network Navigator, Queries, Using Queries in Conjunction with Flex Tables, User Data Extensions; Import and Export Tools: Overview, Exercises: Import from InRoads Storm and Sanitary, Export SHP
- Subsurface Utilities Plans Production: Annotation Using Subsurface Utility Tools: Overview, Exercises: Using Element Symbology to Place Labels, Create a Table in the DGN, Engineering Profile, Create Drainage Cross-Sections; Using Legacy Tools for Plans Production: Overview, Export Workflow, Exercises: Export to GEOPAK Drainage, Using Legacy Drainage Tools for Profiles, Export to InRoads Storm and Santitary, Using Legacy Drainage Tools for Profiles