OpenRoads Subsurface Utility Design & Analysis (SELECTseries)

Can be taken with either the InRoads or GEOPAK V8i SELECTseries 4 or SELECTseries 10 editions.

This training is designed to be an introduction to Bentley’s OpenRoads Subsurface Utility Design and Analysis tools commonly referred to as “SUDA”. We introduce new tools and workflows in the context of a common road/site design project. It is expected that you are already generally familiar with the tools and concepts found in OpenRoads, especially geometry and terrain model tools. The exercises cover concepts related to 3D modeling and hydraulic design (for drainage systems only). It is presumed that the student is already familiar with and comfortable with hydraulic design theory – we will not be covering any theory nor discussing principles of hydraulic theory. Certain exercises may take liberties with hydraulic theory or good hydraulic design principles. Please keep in mind that these exercises are intended to teach the tools and thus some liberties may be taken to emphasize the training opportunity at the expense of theory. This training can be taken with either the InRoads or GEOPAK V8i SELECTseries 4 edition.

Madison, WI
24 Hour Class

Contact us to schedule an online or onsite training.

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  • Subsurface Utilities Fundamentals: About, OpenRoads Overview/Orientation, Course Overview, Before you Begin
  • Interface and Settings: Review Starting Dataset, Menus and Tasks, DGN Model Concepts For Utilities, Project Explorer, Feature Definitions; Overview, Node Feature Definitions, 3D Cells used for Nodes, Conduit Feature Definitions, Polygon Feature Definitions; Civil Message Center, Utility Properties, Project Properties, Project Defaults, Design Files Settings & Workspace Preferences
  • Modeling Non-Drainage Utilities: Model Existing Utilities – Selection Set Method: Concepts, Exercises: Create Water Line Models, Create Model of Storm Pipe, Profile Revisions, SUE Properties; Model Existing Utilities Using Filters: Concepts, DGN Library, Exercises: Create Utility Filter, Create Utility Filter Group, Add Filters for Nodes, Create Utility Model Using Filter Group, SUE Properties; Model Existing Utilities from Database Information: Concepts, Model Builder, Exercises: Configure Model Builder, Create Water Line Model From SHP, Model Gas Line From SHP, Challenge: Profiles; Model Proposed Utilities: Concepts, Exercises: Layout Horizontal Geometry, Model Proposed Water Line Relocation, Profile Design, Challenge: Completely New Profile, Inspect Template, Change the Parametric Constraint
  • Subsurface Utilities Drainage Design: Drainage Design Settings and Constraints: Overview, Default Design Constraints, Prototypes, Catalogs, Storm Data, Scenarios, Hydraulic Seed, Terrain Model Analysis Tools: Overview, Finish Grade Terrain Model, Exercises: Analyze Point, Terrain Model Properties > Flow Arrows, Analyze Trace Slope, Terrain Model Properties > High and Low Points; Layout Inlets and Catchments: Overview, Civil Accudraw, Place Node, Challenge: Placing The Node In Taper, Create Catchments, Catchment Properties, Hydraulic Gutter Definitions; Analyze Overland Flow: Overview, Scenarios, Calculations Options, Alternatives, Computations, Messages, Report, Details, Civil Message Center; Layout Pipe Network: Overview, Terminology: Conduits or Pipes, Connect Conduits Between Nodes, Concepts Related to Create Conduit, Curved Conduits, Conduits at the Outlet, Catchment for the Inlet Headwall; Design the Drainage Network: Overview, Scenario Manager, Review Warnings, Override Design Constraints, Challenge Exercise: Pipe Editing; Review Physical Alternatives: Using Alternatives to Control Sumps in the Catch Basins, The Concept of Children, Edit a Child Alternatives, Make a Child Scenario, Drainage Profiles, Hydraulic Design Wrap-Up; Lateral Connections: Layout a Lateral Connection, Add Catchment for the Lateral Inlet, Recompute Drainage Network, Review Profile of Trunk Line; Culverts: Lay Out the Culver, Add Flow to the Inlet Headwall, Modify Conduit for Culvert Calculations, Update the Hydraulic Design
  • Subsurface Utilities Miscellaneous Tools: Conflict Detection: Overview, Checking for Conflicts, Using Flex Table to Review Conflict Nodes, Exercise: Review Conflict Node Flex Tables; Review, Reporting and Editing Tools: Overview, Exercises: Tooltip Customization, Customize a Flex Table, Network Navigator, Queries, Using Queries in Conjunction with Flex Tables, User Data Extensions; Import and Export Tools: Overview, Exercises: Import from InRoads Storm and Sanitary, Export SHP
  • Subsurface Utilities Plans Production: Annotation Using Subsurface Utility Tools: Overview, Exercises: Using Element Symbology to Place Labels, Create a Table in the DGN, Engineering Profile, Create Drainage Cross-Sections; Using Legacy Tools for Plans Production: Overview, Export Workflow, Exercises: Export to GEOPAK Drainage, Using Legacy Drainage Tools for Profiles, Export to InRoads Storm and Santitary, Using Legacy Drainage Tools for Profiles