Wearing too many hats? As a part-time CAD manager this is a common struggle, mainly because your head truly is topped with a tower of diverse hats! Balancing that tower and enduring the weight upon your neck can have you searching for possible “hat racks” that will ease your daily workload. In fact, it’s probably how you came to read this post.
Managing a CAD department is a huge undertaking. Doing it part-time, while still in production, results in a leaning tower of CAD hats. As a part-time CAD manager, you are probably expected to stay billable up to 80-90% of the time. This makes your priority getting projects out the door with your design team. Where does this leave room for managing the CAD environment?
This is where more and more hats begin to stack up. As a CAD manager you need to assess the CAD environment for efficiency continually, update and maintain hardware systems, develop workflows, manage standardization, prepare for software updates and implementations, write standards of practice documents, be available for support, and provide the necessary training to CAD users in order to execute standards and new software versions at maximum efficiency. Where is the time for all of this if you are busily engaged in on-going project completion?
Even though you are attempting to juggle these many hats, you have difficulty proving your value to senior management because you cannot impact change quickly when struggling to stay on top of tasks. You are in need of a plug-and-play “hat rack” solution. The expertise of CAD managed service professionals can compliment your work and help prove the value of a managed environment to senior management. They can focus on all or some of the management tasks and user training, in order to impact efficiency quickly and therefore ROI, which will keep you valuable in the eyes of your employer and set the groundwork for an organized system of rotating the wearing of your many hats.
To explore your CAD managed services “hat rack” solutions, contact us or give us a call at 608.836.3903. Our CAD heads are ready to wear some of your hats to keep your head balanced, while procuring for efficiency and increased ROI.
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