You’ll Appreciate Our 2¢!: The Value of a Second Opinion

Penny for your CAD productivityComedian Steven Wright once mocked American idioms when he jested, “If it’s a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone, somewhere is making a penny.” Little did he know that it would align with what design and engineering firms need and what EnvisionCAD offers. When you make the investment (the penny), we offer expert opinions and learned best-practice solutions customized to your needs (the two cents plus), and you’re the one who makes back “the penny” and then some.

The Productivity Quest

The quest for productivity is the essence of any successful design/engineering firm.  This ambition proves ever more challenging in a fast-paced world of increasingly complex production.  Any effective administrator knows that increasing productivity begins with assessing the inner workings of the supply chain, identifying needs, and then resolving these issues, on an on-going basis.  This allows for big picture analysis; however, each chunk of that larger system has its own supply chain within that requires its own on-going needs assessment and solutions.  The CAD environment, with its advancing technology and individually skilled users, is a prime productivity snag.  This is where your quest begins with “a penny” investment.

The Expert 2¢

When experienced CAD managers and trainers team together with their expertise in both Bentley and Autodesk enterprises, their “two cents” will unlock the unrealized productivity gains in your CAD enterprise.  In fact, the inflation of these two cents comes with the customization of the needs assessment, solutions, and on-going services to suit your specific needs, at a value that’s right for you.  There are no one-size-fits-all solutions, just customized quests for CAD productivity as a result of hands-on experience and learned best-practice solutions stemming from work with several hundred CAD enterprises.  Consider this … If you don’t take our two cents, how can you get “change”?

The Change

You see “change” as the increased productivity of your CAD enterprise and, in turn, your entire supply chain.  You make “change” as the return on your initial investment in these managed services.  We accomplish our mission by unlocking the unrealized productivity of your CAD enterprise.  You realize your mission by improving productivity and client satisfaction.  Together, we are the “change” we want to see in our industry.

Value of EnvisionCAD

EnvisionCAD Makes Cents

penny for your CAD thoughtsIf you’re on a productivity quest and would like to discuss how our “two cents” can unlock your potential, contact us.  Or, give us a call at 608.836.3903.  We are ready for your “two cents” on what an ideal solution entails.   If you don’t put your “two cents” in with us, how can we make “change”?  Here’s a penny for your thoughts!




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Since 1996, EnvisionCAD has been a nationally recognized leader in the configuration, customization, implementation, training & support for CAD software solutions. Our individualized approach has benefited private engineering firms and government agencies alike. Basic or advanced, we can help you get the most from your CAD technology.

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