InRoads SELECTSeries 1 was released about a week ago and there are a few tools worth mentioning right away to get you excited about this release. The following month’s tips will look at these enhancements in more detail.
- Bentley Map was added for FREE to the Bentley InRoads Suite and Bentley Rail Track Suite products.
- InRoads tools and workflow are integrated into the MicroStation interface tasks, tools, and pull down menus.
- Open a native GEOPAK Surface TIN file. No need to translate or use LandXML.
- LandXML files are now Schema 1.2 compliant.
- New tool in the Surface command called Change Triangle Edge. a.k.a. Flip Face or Swap Edge in other software packages.
- Overlay tools were added to Roadway Designer.
- A new tool set called Site Modeler will allow for fast dynamic design of site models.
- Civil Geometry is a new toolset that stores the geometry data right in the DGN file.
- Data Acquisition tools were added to help assemble various data sources and store them in the DGN file.
- InRoads commands can be accessed from right clicking in MicroStation and selecting from the context menu.