OpenRoads Tip: 5 Things to Know When Working with Superelevations

Written by:  Bob Mecham

Working with superelevations in the OpenRoads SS4 release is much different from previous versions of InRoads or GEOPAK. Here are 5 things to know when when you start defining your first superelevations.

1. Superelevation has to be built in its own CAD file

Once the 2D file is created it is referenced and associated with the corridor.

2. Superelevation in a Color Coded Display

After you have created your superelevation sections and lanes you will want to view your superelevation in the MicroStation view.

openroads superelevation color coded display
  • In the View Attributes dialog toggle ON Fill

3. Superelevation Flag

For each template point that you wish to be controlled by superelevation, you need to toggle ON the Superelevation Flag.  Allowing OpenRoads to control the point even during horizontal transitions.

openroads superelevation flag

4. Adjust Superelevation in the view using Textual Manipulators

By selecting the calculated superelevation graphics in the MicroStation view; the Textual Manipulators will appear allowing you to modify either the station value or the superelevation value.

openroads superelevation textual manipulators

5. Place Temporary Dimension Lines to help evaluate your superelevation

In cross section view, consider placing a temporary dimension line to evaluate lane slope and width.

openroads superelevation place temporary dimension lines

Bob Mecham

Bob is a partner at EnvisionCAD and is an industry expert in the implementation, configuration, instruction, development, and customization of both MicroStation and InRoads.

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3 comments on “OpenRoads Tip: 5 Things to Know When Working with Superelevations

  1. Ernett Harris Reply

    Can you tell me where I can purchase a manual or textbook on openroads SS4? I desperately need in order to enhance my understanding of the software.
    Thanks in advance.

    • Alex Reply


      If you do some googling most DOTs have publicily available resources. There are many how to videos available on Bentley’s website and youtube.

      Good luck!

    • Jessica Scheidler Reply


      Not all of our books are available for purchase (some you need to enroll in a class to receive) but you can find all of our training manuals here
      While you’re there, be sure to check out our available training sessions that are guaranteed to enhance your skills.

      Thank you!

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