- VBA Basics:
- Workspace Configuration Variables
- General Rules/Tips for MVBA
- VBA Project Manager Dialog
- Creating, Editing, Recording, Running, and Autoloading a New MVBA
- Run a MVBA from a Key-in
- VBA Editor and Project Explorer
- Properties Window
- Edit Toolbar
- Special Characters
- Using VBA Help
- Protecting VBAs
- Message Boxes
- Variables, Arrays and Collections:
- Variables
- Declaration
- Variable Naming
- Common VBA Data Types
- Common MicroStation Data Types
- Constants, Scope, and Enumerations
- Converting Between Data Types
- User-Defined Types
- Arrays
- Declaration
- Resizing
- Checking Array Boundaries
- Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- Collections
- Using the With Statement
- Declaring Variables
- Procedures:
- Subroutines
- Functions
- Optional Arguments
- By Reference or By Value
- Calling Subroutines and Functions
- Decision Structures and Loops:
- Conditional Expressions
- Arithmetic Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
- Decision Structures
- If Then, IIf, and Select Case Statements
- Loops, For…Next, and Do Loop
- User Forms:
- Creating UserForms
- Form Properties
- UserForm Toolbox
- Select Objects
- Label
- TextBox, ComboBox, ListBox, and CheckBox
- OptionButton
- Frame
- CommandButton
- Programming Control Events
- Click Event
- Other Control Events
- Verifying UserForm Text Inputs
- Interface Related Code Only
- UserForm Management
- Show, Hide, and Unload
- UserForms Collection
- Modal vs. NonModal
- More on Message Boxes
- InputBox
- String Manipulations:
- String Comparisons
- Len, StrComp, and Conversions
- LCase$, UCase$, StrConv, StrReverse, and Search and Replace
- InStr, InStrRev, Replace, Split and Join, Split, and Join
- &, Trimming, Trim$, LTrim$, and RTrim$
- Extracting Parts of a String, Left$, Right$, Mid$, Formatting, and Format$
- Class Modules:
- Creating and using the contents of a Class Module
- Interacting With MicroStation:
- CadInputQueue, GetInput, SendCommand, SendDataPoint, SendKeyin, SendLastInput, SendReset, and SendTentativePoint
- CommandState, LastDataPoint, LastView, StartDefaultCommand, and Messages
- ShowCommand, ShowError, ShowPrompt, ShowStatus, and ShowMessage
- Tool Settings Key-ins
- Passing Arguments to a Macro
- MicroStation Properties:
- DesignFile, ActiveDesignFile, ModelReference, and ActiveModelReference
- Graphics Settings, ActiveSettings, WorkSpace, ActiveWorkSpace, and Windows Settings
- Element Processing:
- Element Enumerator
- Build From Element Scan Criteria, Build From Selection Set, Build From Fence, and Build From Complex Element
- Process Element Enumerator, Recursion, General Element Properties and Methods
- IsGraphical, Type, Level, Color, Line Style, Line Weight, DisplayPriority, Transparency, GraphicGroup, and Range
- ConstructVertexList, Mirror, Mirror3D, Move, Rotate, RotateAboutZ, ScaleAll, ScaleUniform, Rewrite, and Redraw
- Creating New Elements:
- Line Elements, Arc Elements, Ellipse Elements, Shape Elements, and Text Elements
- TextNode Elements, Cell Elements, ComplexString Elements, and ComplexShape Elements
- Autorun a VBA:
- Module Containing OnProjectLoad
- Class Module Containing Event Handler
- Error Handling and Debugging:
- Error Handling, Error Object, Basic Error Handling, and Advanced Error Handling
- Other Uses for On Error GoTo, Debugging, Debug Toolbar, and Debug Function