I started working here at EnvisionCAD in October of 2012 as Administrative Support. And this is honestly one of the best groups of people I have ever worked with. As you may know from working with us or from our Staff page, the guys are Ron, Rod, Bob and Eric. They make up EnvisionCAD. Who is EnvisionCAD? As Ron would say, “We’re just a bunch of nerds.” And I can tell you from first hand experience that he is not lying. They’re all incredibly intelligent and knowledgeable of all things CAD.
I don’t have any CAD experience, so much of their lingo and jokes make no sense to me, but that doesn’t make it any less funny. Actually, the opposite is true, it’s funnier to me because I don’t understand it. Between our weekly meetings and siting up front at the reception desk, I hear a lot of techie-talk, CAD-cant, and dweeb-diction. At one meeting they compared it to the television sitcom: The Big Bang Theory. 4 CAD Specialists and me. We all liked the idea. So here I am. I’ll be blogging the things I see and hear that just make me laugh from the view of the non-CAD. We hope it helps you get to know us better and have a little laugh. We call it: The EnvisionCAD Theory. More blogs to come.