1. MicroStation Tip: Aligning Patterns
What you will have is multiple patterns that align perfectly across different elements.

Click here to learn how this is done….
2. MicroStation Tip: What’s New in V8i(SELECTseries 3) Update 2

Continue to see the newest enhancements….
3. MicroStation Tip: Accudraw Focus
If you have ever worked with AccuDraw you know keeping the focus in the AccuDraw dialog can be troublesome. There is a setting in the Preferences that can make it easier.
4. MicroStation Tip: Working with Linestyles – Scale, Shift, Direction
Some custom linestyles have directional symbols such as arrows or text. If you need to change the direction of the linestyle you can use one of the two options.
Open the Modify Curves toolbar from the pulldown menu:
Tools > Curves > Modify Curves > Change Direction
Continue for Scale and Shift information…
5. Power InRoads Tip: 3 Things I Learned Using Civil AccuDraw for the First Time
(1)Civil AccuDraw is feature rich.
MicroStation AccuDraw allows input in either polar or rectangular coordinates. Civil AccuDraw allows many more coordinate options
Continue for the other 2 things learned….
6. MicroStation Connect Tip: Bring Back the Tasks Dialog

We recommend that you get comfortable with using this interface as it is where the new tools and functionality are to be found.
However, if you absolutely cannot bring yourself to work with the ribbon fear not. You can restore the Tasks Dialog interface:
Click here to see how to restore….
7. MicroStation Tip: Rendering Material Assignments in Google Earth
- Google Earth Rendering
Click here to learn how this is done….
8. Civil 3D Tip: Undocumented command CONVERTLINEWORKTOMASKBLOCK
This command allows the user to create linework to be used to mask drawing objects. This can come in handy, for instance, when users would like to mask part of a profile. There is not an option in the profile properties for masking as there is for alignments so this command can serve to do that.
Continue to get the steps of this command….
9. Civil 3D Tip: User-Defined Properties for Parcels
Create a User-Defined Property Classification
Classifications are used to organize sets of User-Defined Properties. In this example, we will create a classification called “Easement Data” to hold information about easements in a Parcel.

Continue to view the rest of this tip….
10. Civil 3D Tip: To Copy, Or Not to Copy
A Civil 3D user can become more productive by reproducing existing design elements within a drawing rather than creating them from scratch. One area of Civil 3D that this can be beneficial is subassemblies and assemblies. However, there are specific ways they must be copied in order to work correctly in a corridor.
Click here for those specific ways…..