Civil 3D Consultant EnvisionCAD is seeking a talented, eager, team-focused CAD Designer, Civil Engineer, or Surveyor ready to join our Autodesk Applications Team. Position You…
Join Our Growing Team Civil 3D Consultant EnvisionCAD is seeking a talented, eager, team-focused CAD Designer, Civil Engineer, or Surveyor ready to join our Autodesk Applications…
We’re Growing! Join Us. A New Face & A New Opportunity at EnvisionCAD Welcome, Chris! Chris McNulty joined the EnvisionCAD team last month and has hit the ground running! If you…
Optimize your remote working configuration MicroStation and OpenRoads Designer: Optimizing Your Remote Working Configuration Working from home is the new normal for a lot of companies. There are…
The End is Near Bentley Licensing: It’s Almost Midnight It’s been two years since Bentley announced the end of SELECTserver but things have changed a little bit…
Configurations and WorkSpaces, and WorkSets, Oh my! EnvisionCAD is so much more than training classes, tips, and freeware. Our consulting services are what really set us apart from the crowd. EnvisionCAD helps…
He’s Baaack! Welcome back, Ben At the beginning of the month, we welcomed Ben Johnson back to the EnvisionCAD team! Ben first joined EnvisionCAD in 2014 and took a break in…
New Freeware & Live Virtual Instruction How we all work, operate, and consume info has evolved quickly (and quite unexpectedly!) the past few months and we’ve taken the time to learn, listen,…
Safety Update & New Protocol We’ve always prided ourselves in knowing that we can provide the same great level of education and knowledge transfer online as we do in person but we…
#WFH with EnvisionCAD Over the last few weeks, we’ve found that our clients who now #WFH (work from home) are causing additional strain on company resources and are perhaps…
EnvisionCAD + COVID-19 Here to support you EnvisionCAD is proud that we’ve always been an online resource for all of our customers across the country and around the world. …
Thanks a million! Thanks to you Last month we reached a goal of ours and it’s all thanks to you! EnvisionCAD reached 1 million views (and counting) on our YouTube channel!…
Ten Commandments & a Heads-Up Ten Commandments for Creating Configurations in CONNECT When we build custom Configurations for clients there are some general rules by which we abide. These…
Now’s the time to plan your 2020 training budget We’ve released our 2020 training schedule. Snag a spot in one of our upcoming training classes before they fill up! Whether you just need a refresher or…
Face Time with EnvisionCAD We have several upcoming opportunities for some major face time with EnvisionCAD. Pick your date, pick your location, pick your topic and see you there! A New…
EnvisionCAD – Did You Know? EnvisonCAD was founded in 1996 Initial offerings were providing 3D modeling and visualization services Services have expanded to now include training and…
Your MicroStation CONNECT Edition Upgrade Is Calling And EnvisionCAD is here to answer the call. The list of technical items and process considerations to take into account when upgrading to MicroStation CONNECT…
Webinar Special Deal Calling all new and experienced Bentley software users! Spend a lunch hour with us to learn new skills and brush up on old ones. Designed for new and…
Spring is (finally) in the air I don’t know about you, but here in Wisconsin, we can not wait for spring to come! After surviving the aptly named “Polar Vortex” earlier…
Happy New Years (Resolution)! According to research, if you’re among the 60 percent of people that made a New Year’s resolution this year, there’s a 1 in 4 chance that it…
Sign up now: Webinars, Conferences, Classes The year may be coming to an end, but the opportunities for you to engage with EnvisionCAD are anything but! NEW Webinar Series New and experienced users of…
This way to your best year yet 2019 training courses just announced! Whether you just want to advance your knowledge or you have a whole team you want to get up to speed, EnvisionCAD is here…
NEW OpenRoads Webinars & Civil 3D Workshop EnvisionCAD is excited to announce two opportunities to engage with us and enhance your skills. First, we’ve lined up a series of webinars that will get…
Your New Destination for Everything CAD Experience the Possibilities with the new We’re excited to announce a new website designed specifically for you. Find what you need and…
Welcome, Steven! We’re thrilled to welcome a new Senior Consultant, Steven Litzau, to the EnvisionCAD team. Steven has accumulated over 15 years of experience in the AEC…
Revit Tip: Copy vs. Copy to Clipboard Revit has two different ways to copy elements: Copy and Copy to Clipboard. The Copy command is used to duplicate objects within the same view Select the object…
Revit Tip: Using the Radial Array Command Using the Array command is an easy way to model circular or curved seating like in an auditorium. 1. Begin by loading the seat family into your Revit model.…
Revit Tip: Placing Curtain Doors in Revit The first time you go to place a door in a curtain wall you may find it a little challenging. Doors aren’t placed in curtain walls the same way they… Read…
AutoCAD Civil 3D Tip: Translating DWG to DGN Workflow Using Civil 3D 2018 This outlines the steps involved to translate an AutoCAD Civil 3D 2018 DWG file to MicroStation V8 DGN file format. The workflow is Civil 3D based and the…
Revit Tip: Revit Add-In Polygon Select Here’s a convenient new Add-in for Revit 2017 or Revit 2018. Revit gives you the option to multi-select items by selecting a rectangular window. If you…
Revit Tip: Revit 18.2 Improvements Sometimes the little things matter. In Revit loading, several families into a project could be a tedious task. From the Insert tab, you would select load…
AutoCAD Civil 3D Tip: Production Efficiency Section Views and Sheet Layout Move section views between section view groups: The section views that you want to move and the destination section view group…