OpenRoads Designer Tip: Downsizing Survey Field Codes Many survey field code lists can be overwhelming and exhausting. Having a field code for every single item isn’t always necessary when using OpenRoads…
OpenRoads Designer Video Tip: Points Filter Tool In this video we will show you the new tool in OpenRoads Designer v10.12. The Point Filter Tool will allow you to filter both Geometry Points and Survey Points…
OpenRoads Designer Video Tip: Converting MicroStation Graphics to Civil Geometry In this tutorial, we will show you how to take MicroStation graphics or graphics from InRoads and turn them into OpenRoads Designer Civil Geometry.
OpenRoads Designer Video Tip: Display Contour at Specific Elevation In this video tip, we will show you how to display only one elevation contour from a terrain model, i.e. High Water Contour. We will reference the terrain…
OpenRoads Designer Tip: Survey Attribute Overrides In some applications, surveyors may find it useful to have a single field code that can display different MicroStation cells. For example, imagine your agency…
iTwin Capture Modeler Tip: Photo Capture Techniques When taking images for a project, there are a few specific principles to help you capture the best photos. Photos meeting your specific criteria will assist in…
OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition Tip: Static Scaling for Survey Point Annotation When annotating survey shots in OpenRoads CONNECT Edition using the Element Annotation tool it is sometimes desired to have text associated with the survey…
OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition Tip: Append Notes to Descriptions When importing survey data. Text Import Wizard has an option for notes which can be confused for the description column within the survey details dialog. Below…