OpenRoads Tip: Working with Geometry and Snap Constraints Written by: Bob Mecham In this OpenRoads Geometry tutorial we will show you how Snap Constrains are created and how make sure that they are not used. We will…
OpenRoads Tip: Use Plan View Snap to Lock Civil Accudraw in Profile Written by: Bob Mecham Did you know that with Civil AccuDraw you can work both in the plan view and profile view while placing a geometry element. In this…
OpenRoads Tip: How do I get my Mini Toolbar back? Written by: Bob Mecham In OpenRoads depending on what type of element you select and hover on; a mini toolbar with context sensitive menu will appear. Below…
AutoCAD Civil 3D Tip: 2D Measurements on 3D Objects by Ben Johnson Have you ever wanted a quick 2D measurement when snapping to 3D objects such as cogo points, feature lines, surfaces or any other Civil…
MicroStation Tip: Multi-snap and Setting Priority Written by Bob Mecham. Multi-snap is an extension of AccuSnap allowing the user to use more than one snap at a time. For example, Keypoint, Nearest, and…
What’s new with Fences In this tutorial we will show you whats new with fences in MicroStation V8i (SELECTseries). The new tools include Copy Move Fence Contents, AccuSnap with…
Working with a 3D File – Display Depth and Active Depth Here are solutions to a couple of the most common issues we hear about. Key-ins: (watch your prompt & message fields) AZ=? will display your ‘active…
New ACS Plane Snap in V8i The new ACS Plane Snap has replaced the Depth Lock which was used in 3D files to keep elements placed as planar. In V8i the new way of placing elements… Read…