OpenRoads Designer Tip: Extract From Graphics – Use Element Elevation Issue As the civil design industry continues to embrace model-centric workflows, many agencies are now undertaking efforts to generate models for existing…
OpenRoads Designer Tip: How to Compute Pond Volumes OpenRoads Designer includes a Compute Pond Volumes application tool. This report can be helpful for Drainage Analysis and Reporting for Stormwater Water…
OpenRoads Designer Tip: Warnings About B-Spline Elements When Making a Linear Template When creating a linear template in OpenRoads Designer, you will often be presented with the following error message: The message raises several questions: Why…
OpenRoads Designer Tip: Downsizing Survey Field Codes Many survey field code lists can be overwhelming and exhausting. Having a field code for every single item isn’t always necessary when using OpenRoads…
OpenRoads Designer: Cross Section Crossing Point Annotation Scale A primary advantage of using model-centric workflows such as those found in OpenRoads Designer is the opportunity for near instant feedback to design model…
OpenRoads Designer Tip: Missing WorkSets Occasionally, you may find that the list of available WorkSets in the WorkPage is incomplete, and that some are missing. Within the WorkSet folder, we can…
OpenRoads Designer Video Tip: Points Filter Tool In this video we will show you the new tool in OpenRoads Designer v10.12. The Point Filter Tool will allow you to filter both Geometry Points and Survey Points…
OpenRoads Designer Tip: Text Field Background If you’ve opened up a DGN in OpenRoads Designer containing civil content that has been automatically annotated, you may have noticed a gray background…
OpenRoads Designer Video Tip: Converting MicroStation Graphics to Civil Geometry In this tutorial, we will show you how to take MicroStation graphics or graphics from InRoads and turn them into OpenRoads Designer Civil Geometry.
OpenRoads Designer Video Tip: Display Contour at Specific Elevation In this video tip, we will show you how to display only one elevation contour from a terrain model, i.e. High Water Contour. We will reference the terrain…
OpenRoads Designer Tip: Survey Attribute Overrides In some applications, surveyors may find it useful to have a single field code that can display different MicroStation cells. For example, imagine your agency…
IAETP – Illinois Association of Engineering Technology Professionals EnvisionCAD is a proud BRONZE Sponsor of this event EnvisionCAD Senior Consultant Rod Wing will be presenting on topics including OpenRoads Designer/OpenSite…
OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition Tip: Static Scaling for Survey Point Annotation When annotating survey shots in OpenRoads CONNECT Edition using the Element Annotation tool it is sometimes desired to have text associated with the survey…
OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition Tip: Append Notes to Descriptions When importing survey data. Text Import Wizard has an option for notes which can be confused for the description column within the survey details dialog. Below…
DOT OpenRoads Designer, GEOPAK, InRoads, and Civil 3D Downloads We at EnvisionCAD have been working with a number of DOT configurations, and we thought it would be helpful to start cataloging which states have their ORD…
MicroStation and OpenRoads Designer: Optimizing your remote working configuration Working from home is the new normal for a lot of companies. There are numerous methods businesses are utilizing for establishing remote connections and…
ORD – MicroStation Tip: MS_DGNLIBLIST variables In the CONNECT Edition products there are many new resource-specific MS_DGNLIBLIST variables. When do you use them, and when do you not? I’ve had…
OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition Tip: Table Editor There is a new tool in OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition that allows you to edit alignments and profiles in a table editor format. It is located on the…
OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition Tip: Persist Snaps Toggle If you are a regular user of OpenRoads you know that snapping to Civil Objects in a dgn when placing new geometry creates a rule to that element. This…
Ten Commandments & a Heads-Up Ten Commandments for Creating Configurations in CONNECT When we build custom Configurations for clients there are some general rules by which we abide. These…
Bentley Products, Terminology, and Versions: Making sense of the confusion The more we talk to our clients, and other Bentley users, it has become crystal clear that many users and organizations are very confused by the terms and…
ORD – MicroStation Tip: AccuDraw Set Origin While working in OpenRoads Designer (ORD) there are many times you need to preform some standard MicroStation tasks. When doing so you may get frustrated that…