Blog OpenRoads Leader Sought EnvisionCAD is seeking a talented, eager, team-focused CAD Designer to join our OpenRoads Team focused on roadway/highway design and/or survey/site/civil…
Blog MicroStation and OpenRoads Designer: Optimizing your remote working configuration Working from home is the new normal for a lot of companies. There are numerous methods businesses are utilizing for establishing remote connections and…
Blog Bentley Licensing: It’s almost midnight It’s been two years since Bentley announced the end of SELECTserver. CONNECT Edition: The clock is ticking Now, January 1, 2021 is only a few short weeks…
Blog Thanks a million! Thanks to you Last month we reached a goal of ours and it’s all thanks to you! EnvisionCAD reached 1 million views (and counting) on our YouTube channel!…
Blog Ten Commandments for Creating Configurations in CONNECT When we build custom Configurations for clients there are some general rules by which we abide. These general rules are also passed on to our students…
Blog Bentley Products, Terminology, and Versions: Making sense of the confusion The more we talk to our clients, and other Bentley users, it has become crystal clear that many users and organizations are very confused by the terms and…
Blog CONNECT Edition: The clock is ticking Still haven’t made the leap to MicroStation or OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition? Bentley has announced that as of January 1, 2021 they will officially…
Blog Bentley Civil Products V8i (SELECTseries 4) Maintenance Release 2 Released – V08.11.09.872 Bentley Civil Products V8i (SELECTseries 4) Maintenance Release 2 – V08.11.09.872 – has been released and is available for download from Bentley…
Blog Bentley Civil OpenRoads – V8i SELECTseries 4 Maintenance Release 1 Now Available! Bentley recently announced the commercial release of their Civil OpenRoads products – V8i SELECTseries 4 Maintenance Release 1! This newest version…
Blog NEW CLASS – OpenRoads Delta for InRoads Users! EnvisionCAD is excited to announce our newest class, OpenRoads Delta for InRoads Users. … Read more…
Blog 3 Reasons to Move to OpenRoads Design Intent What is Design Intent? Design Intent in OpenRoads builds associations and relationships between civil elements. The object information (how,…
Blog OpenRoads V8i SELECTseries 4 is Now Available – Read This Before Updating! If you like to stay current with releases and plan on downloading and installing OpenRoads SS4 you need to read this first. Managing files and data will take…
Blog Top 10 Configuration Variables for OpenRoads With the release of OpenRoads Technology the design tools are closely integrated into the platform product MicroStation. This requires additional…
Blog 8 OpenRoads Myths expelled! SELECTseries 2 to SS3, what’s the big deal? At EnvisionCAD we hear some things being thrown around about OpenRoads that may not be completely accurate.…
Blog Highlights from the 2013 Bentley LEARNing Conference Another Bentley Conference has wrapped with a lot of buzz and anticipation of OpenRoads Technology. Bob Mecham and Ron Brys attended the 2013 conference and…
Blog Video Blog: InRoads SS3, OpenRoads, and the Future of Bentley Civil Products Written by Ronald Brys. An overview of the OpenRoads technology incorporated into InRoads, GEOPAK, and MXROAD software. The general concept of terrain models,…
Blog How NOT to implement OpenRoads Written by Ron Brys At EnvisionCAD we have been working with OpenRoads Technology for a while now. We are updating and writing new training material for…
Blog The EnvisionCAD Theory: OpenRoads Written by Bethany Borsody. EnvisionCAD’s excitement over the release of OpenRoads. Bentleys’ OpenRoads technology has been released. It is now…
Blog OpenRoads Technology Released by Bentley Written by Ronald Brys. Bentleys’ OpenRoads technology has been released. It is now available as a download for Select subscribers. However, don’t…
Tip OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition Tip: Persist Snaps Toggle If you are a regular user of OpenRoads you know that snapping to Civil Objects in a dgn when placing new geometry creates a rule to that element. This…
Tip OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition Tip: Placing a Dynamic Label with Text Favorites If you’ve done any type of plan production with PowerGEOPAK (SELECTseries 4) or any of the previous versions, the new functionality of Text Favorites and the…
Tip OpenRoads Technology Tip: SUDA Hydraulic Properties Update Tools built using Bentley’s OpenRoad Technology include the ability to leverage drainage and utility design tools incorporated into civil products. The…
Tip ORD – MicroStation Tip: AccuDraw Set Origin While working in OpenRoads Designer (ORD) there are many times you need to preform some standard MicroStation tasks. When doing so you may get frustrated that…
Tip OpenRoads Tip: SUDA Catalog Editing Tools built using Bentley’s OpenRoad Technology include the ability to leverage drainage and utility design tools incorporated into the civil products. The…
Tip OpenRoads Tip: Mirroring Entire Template During Creation When providing training on the corridor modeling functionality in the OpenRoads tools, I am often asked if it is possible to mirror the work done on a template…
Tip OpenRoads Tip: SUDA Cell Location Issue The workings under the hood in the Subsurface Utilities is complex, bringing together Cell libraries, Feature Definitions, Feature Symbologies, and Element…
Tip OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition Tip: Adding multiple Parametric Constraints to a corridor without reprocessing the corridor Have you ever needed to add multiple Parametric Constraints to your corridor, but don’t want to wait for the corridor to reprocess after adding each one?…
Tip OpenRoads Tip: Ribbon Tool Search OpenRoads Designer brings a new ribbon interface to Bentley’s civil design software. This is comprised of Workflows, Tabs and Groups collecting common…
Tip OpenRoads Tip: Create Geometry by Template Have you ever done a schematic layout of your design and needed a bunch of offset alignments from your center-line to represent lanes, curb, sidewalk etc.? The…
Tip OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition Tip: Windows Update Causing Crash with Corridors Windows 10 Spring Creator Update (1803) There is a known issue with the Windows 10 Spring Creator Update, 1803 with numerous Bentley CONNECT Edition software.…
Tip OpenRoads Tip: Clip a Corridor or End a Corridor at a Skew When working with corridors in plans production it is sometimes necessary to clip a corridor area out for a new structure or maybe end a corridor at a skew. …
Tip OpenRoads Tip: Analyze Trace Slope As you start working on a new terrain it is useful to get a feel for the drainage patterns. OpenRoads has a number of tools to assist with this; one… Read…
Tip OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition Tip: Plans Production In the newest release of OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition Update 2 the ability to create Plan and Profile sheets has been added to the workflow. You no…
Tip OpenRoads Designer Connect Edition Tip: How to use Survey TIW files from SS4 When implementing OpenRoads Designer Connect Edition for processing of survey, you will want to use any TIW files you created in SS4. When you add and…
Tip OpenRoads: Problem with Missing Dynamic Cross-sections Occasionally, an OpenRoads file will fail to show the dynamic cross-sections properly. I really don’t know what precisely causes this but it is a royal…
Tip OpenRoads: Generate Cut & Fill Slope Limits in Different Symbology You need to generate linear features which mark the limits of cut and fill slopes on each side of the corridor. You also need the symbology of the cut…
Tip OpenRoads Designer: Display Terrain Model Elevation Bands Applies also to OpenRoads Terrain Models in Select Series 3 and 4. Question: How do I display my terrain models with elevation range bands like I could do…
Tip OpenRoads Tip: The "Create Cross Section" Tool In this tip Andrea Hall, Senior Consultant, will create drainage profiles using the Create Cross Section Tool.
Tip OpenRoads Tip: Reverse the Direction of Alignment This one is better described as a trick, rather than a tip. Caution: the following should be used with care and check all data after completion. It is always…
Tip OpenRoads Tip: Point Report To generate a report listing the locations of multiple points, use the Point Feature Station Offset Elevation report. The points which are reported on can…
Tip OpenRoads Tip: Terrain Model – Control Triangles in Concave Areas of Project Pretty much every project has one or more areas like shown below, where terrain model triangles will cut across the concave corner of the project. My first…
Tip OpenRoads Tip: Terrain Model – How to Extract Break Lines I recently fielded a question where the designer needed to extract the break lines which existed in the OpenRoads Terrain model. The designer could see them…
Tip OpenRoads Tip: Corridor Modeling Manipulators There are two lines generated during modeling in OpenRoads. Dependent on which one you select, different context mini tool bars are presented. Corridor …
Tip OpenRoads Tip: Missing Graphic Manipulators Written by Bob Mecham I am writing this tip because this doesn’t happen often so when it does I really have to rack my brain to remember why. Hopefully…
Tip OpenRoads Tip: Civil AccuDraw Floating Origin Written by: Bob Mecham Sometimes, we need to establish the end of a line at a location measured form something else rather than the first point. 1. Start the…
Tip SUDA Tip – Best Practice for Headwall 3D cells Written by: Robert Garrett When configuring the 3D cells of head walls for use in SUDA, there are some required construction points to be created in the cell.…
Tip OpenRoads Tip: Editing and Updating Terrains Created By Graphical Filters In last months tip we discussed Importing Terrain from Graphics. However when using the Edit Terrain Model toolbar it reports “Not an Editable Terrain”.…
Tip OpenRoads Tip: Import Terrain from Graphics "Not an Editable Terrain" The problem may occur after you have created an OpenRoads terrain element using the Create Terrain Model by Graphical Filter. Then you may need to delete a…
Tip OpenRoads Tip: Name Assignment and Annotation of Geometry Points Written by: Bob Mecham By default, as you place a point the Name will match the Feature Definition name. This can be seen in the Tools Setting dialog. Prior…
Tip OpenRoads Tip: Offset Alignments and Matching Profiles Written by: Robert Garrett I often get the question: How do I make alignment B exactly match the stationing of alignment A? Invariably, this question is…
Tip OpenRoads Tip: Point Controls Targeting MicroStation Graphics in Corridors Written by: Bob Mecham Point Controls can be used to override the template in areas where lanes are widening or working with ditches. By using point controls…
Video OpenRoads Tip: The "Create Cross Section" Tool In this tip Andrea Hall, Senior Consultant, will create drainage profiles using the Create Cross Section Tool.
Video OpenRoads Tip: Working with Geometry and Snap Constraints Written by: Bob Mecham In this OpenRoads Geometry tutorial we will show you how Snap Constrains are created and how make sure that they are not used. We will…
Video OpenRoads Tip – Create Terrain Element from Corridor and Add Exterior Boundary Written by: Bob Mecham In this tip we will show you how to create a terrain element from your corridor. Then we will show you how to constrain the…
Video OpenRoads Tip – Add a Spot Elevation to a Terrain In this video tutorial we will show you the workflow for adding a 3D point to an OpenRoads Terrain Element.
Video InRoads Tip: InRoads Survey Options Working with Symbols, Points, and Elevations In this tutorial we will show you how to work with text that is displayed dynamically and written to graphics in InRoads Survey. We will look at the InRoads…
Video InRoads Tip: Horizontal Geometry working with Stationing and Station Equations Written by: Bob Mecham InRoads Tip: Horizontal Geometry working with Stationing and Station Equations In this tutorial we will look at viewing your horizontal…
Video OpenRoads Terrain Elements Written by Ronald Brys. A quick look at MicroStation terrain elements created from a DTM. See all of our InRoads tips on this YouTube playlist. Last Month’s…